Tube Inspection Services

Tube Inspection
Many problems can arise from the failure of alloy tubing in heat exchangers and boilers. Eliminating problems with leaking feed water heater and condenser tubing can improve heat transfer performance and provide safe, reliable plant operation. Ferrous tubing is inspected using Remote Field Testing. The inspection of boiler tubes and other ferrous tubing can assist with the reliability and integrity of components and systems. Prevention of the release of oils and hazardous materials to the environment meets the strict government guidelines that are currently in place.

NFT is an emerging technology, specifically design to inspect air cooler (Fin Fans) tubes found in the Oil & Gas Industries. The NFT probes are designed to detected internal corrosion, inlet erosion, and I.D. pitting commonly found in air coolers. This application has proven itself in the industry as cost saving alternative. Determining the condition of the component and proper reporting of damaged areas is the ultimate goal of any inspection.

Eddy Current Testing (ET) is the fastest way to assess the condition of non-ferrous tubing in chillers, condensers, feed water heaters and evaporators. The inspection is performed swiftly and efficiently, with data collection speeds faster than any other inspection method. Analysis is performed on site to provide immediate results. On larger projects, analysis can be performed at a remote location,saving mobilization costs to the customer.
Performing baseline inspections on new heat exchangers can ensure the integrity of the new equipment prior to being installed.

IRIS Inspection
utilizes the Internal Rotating Inspection System (IRIS) to perform examinations. This inspection system is used at the request of the customer or when inspection results warrant the need for additional prove-up type information.

Tube Inspection Services for
• Condensers
• Boiler Tubes
• Feed Water Heaters
• Oil Coolers
• Hydrogen Coolers
• A/C Chillers
• Air Coolers
• Type Of Heat Exchanger
Testing, Remote Field Testing, Near Field Testing and Internal Rotating Inspection System inspections. Using Tube Inspection Services our certified technicians within our Tubing Inspection Center of Excellence, we bring a wealth of knowledge and technical expertise to various industries. Choosing the proper tubing inspection technique depends on many factors. Tubing characteristics and expected damage impact the type of inspection you need to perform.
Let the professionals at GPS assist you in choosing the proper inspection program.